Photos from the last day of tutoring for Erin
Pretty much ever since I arrived here in September, I´ve been involved with two different projects: tutoring Nicaraguan first-graders in math and reading as well as helping initiate a library in a completely different, yet similarly poor and rural community. About two weeks ago, I was approached by the Director of Opportunity International, the NGO supporting this library project, and asked if I would be interested in working for the organization in Nicaragua another year as the Library Projects Coordinator. I was blown away by the opportunity, but also knew personally that I couldn´t take the job. The decision was simultaneously easy and one of the hardest decisions of my life. As a wiser and older friend here told me, ˝Whenever I´ve had decisions in my life choosing between personal and career, I´ve always chosen the personal.˝ What she said rang true with me, and also what I actually wanted. So last weekend, I mentioned to the Director that I would let her know by today about the job, but that she should know that I was definitely leaning toward not taking it. I was happy with my decision, if not a little sad that I wasn´t at the right point in my life to take it.
Well, yesterday morning, she approached me and asked if I would be interested in working until I was originally meant to leave in June. My decision was instantaneous-YES. I start work on Monday. This has meant that the past few days have been an abrupt leaving of my tutoring responsibilities, and that today was officially my last day tutoring. It was sad to say goodbye. I was no longer very excited about tutoring one-on-one, but the kids are so affectionate and really know me now that I´ve been around for about 4 months (not including vacation time during December and January). I´m including some pics I took below of my last day of school.
And so here begins, not a new adventure exactly, but a different one. I feel daunted and intimidated by the work that lays ahead, but also incredibly excited.
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